Sustainability Index 2019

By participating in the Sustainability Index, companies carry out free self-assessment on-line according to a series of criteria in Strategic Planning, environmental protection, work environment and other relevant aspects. In May, the Commission of Sustainability Index experts examined and analysed the information submitted, while on 13 June, the results and rewards of the best companies in different categories were announced as part of the Institute for Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility (InCSR) organized “Responsible Business Week 2019”.
This year, 19 companies entered the “Sustainability Index 2019” platinum category, nine of them are new entrants – “Augstsprieguma tīkls”, “Balta”, “Baltic International Bank”, “Coca-Cola HBC Latvia”, “GRIFS AG”, “Latvijas Autoceļu uzturētājs”, “Sadales tīkls”, “Schwenk Latvija”, Riga International Airport. These nine companies joined those who have obtained the highest assessment of the “Sustainability Index” in previous years – “Cēsu alus”, “Latvenergo”, “Latvijas Dzelceļš”, “Latvijas Loto”, “Latvijas Mobilais telefons”, “Rimi Latvia”, Rīgas Tehniskā universitāte, SEB banka, Swedbank, as well as “Ventspils reiss”.
In the Sustainability Index, for the tenth year, were assessed the most responsible and courageous entrepreneurs in Latvia, as they were willing to assess their performance and identify their shortcomings, while at the same time making progress,” notes Dace Helmane, head of the Institute for Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility and organiser of the Sustainability Index. "In the course of these ten years, not only the assessment itself has been developed, but also there has been a significant increase in entrepreneurs' awareness of responsible principles, as demonstrated by the high performance and the high number of platinum players. It is time to take the next step, so next year experts will assess not only the processes and risk management mechanism, but also the actual impact of Latvian companies on people, the environment and the economy."